At CPC, we will be a people and a church open to how the Gospel moves.

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Our Story

The Gospel is always moving.

And we are invited to be a part of it.

The Gospel is the Good News of Jesus’ love for all people. It is a living power, not dependent on anything we do or don’t do—because the power of the Gospel is based on what Jesus has already done for us.

That means the story is still ongoing. Every day offers an invitation to open ourselves to the possibilities of what Jesus can do in our lives. There is no place or part of life where the Gospel is not at work.

The Gospel is always moving for me, us, everyone, everywhere.

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Together, we will embrace four shared practices of openness.

Openness is a daily posture, not a one-time program or a task to complete. Cultivating this posture takes intentionality and consistency—and we think it takes community, too. At CPC, we want to embrace regular practices that help position us to anticipate and respond to God’s power and presence wherever we go.

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Practices of


The Gospel moves through God’s Word. Reflecting on what God says and what it means for our lives helps open us to growth in our personal relationship with God. Through practices of reflection, we can become more aware of why and how God is moving.


Hear from Emily on engaging with Scripture

Take a Next Step

We desire for every CPCer to regularly engage with Scripture through our current Bible Reading plan.

Download Reading Plan

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Practices of


The Gospel moves among God’s people. Connecting with others in intentional, regular spiritual conversations helps expand and deepen our understanding of the role of Jesus in our lives. Through practices of relationship, we can learn and grow alongside each other in ways we cannot on our own.


Hear from Melissa on spiritual companionship

Take a Next Step

We desire for every CPCer to have at least one spiritual companion with whom they will have intentional spiritual conversations.

Tools For Spiritual Conversations

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Practices of


The Gospel moves through invitation. Just as God extends the invitation of the Gospel to each of us, he calls us to invite others to experience the Good News of Jesus’ love. Through practices of invitation, we can grow in trust that God transforms lives beyond what we could ask or imagine.


Hear from Carrie on opportunities for invitation

Take a Next Step

Inviting a friend or neighbor to Alpha is a great first step in practicing invitation. We desire for over 1,000 people to participate in Alpha over the next 3 years.

Curious about what Alpha is?


Play Alpha video

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Practices of


The Gospel moves in every corner of life. What happens in church isn’t supposed to stay there. We want to see every place we go as somewhere God already is—and be open to how we can join Him. Through practices of integration, we can anticipate God’s presence and power wherever we live, work, and play.


Hear from Petey on practices of integration

Take a Next Step

We desire for every CPCer to name a space in their life where they need to be aware that God is with them and wants to use them.

Commit to a Space in Your Life

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Watch the CPC Night Recording
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